ELV Scrapage

Here at Gannons City Recovery we provide a Vehicle Scraping & Recycling programme to make it easier for car owners to dispose permanently of their old End of Life Vehicle.

Our “ONE-STOP” service will see your End of Life Vehicle (ELV) Collected, Processed and a Certificate of Destruction issued to you.

On the introduction of the Waste Management (End of Life Vehicles) Regulations 2006 Gannons were appointed by Fingal County Council as an Authorised Treatment Facility for ELV`s and as such have been granted a Waste Permit in respect of our premises here on Turvey Avenue.

In addition we have been granted a Waste Collection Permit from the Dublin City Council which authorises the collection of waste (End of Life Vehicles) within the Local Authority areas of Dublin City Council, Fingal County Council, South Dublin and Dun Laoghaire / Rathdown County Council areas by our fleet of Recovery Vehicles.

ELV Scrapage

What you need to do :

You have the option of either driving your car into us directly and present your log book with a form of identification preferably your driving licence, and we can dispose of it accordingly. If you wish we can organise collection of your vehicle for a small fee. Collection instructions are also received direct from Insurance Companies, County Councils and Gardai and vehicles are promptly collected using our fleet of modern vehicle transporters.

What we do :

Vehicles are moved to a special de-pollution bay within our workshop. This bay is fitted with interceptor drainage systems to prevent the possibility of ground contamination in the unlikely event of spillage of oils. All wheels and tyres are removed along with the battery. We use an automated drainage system which safely removes hazardous liquids including engine oil, gearbox lubricants, fuel, coolant, etc.

Recycling :

When the hazardous substances and pollutants have been removed from the vehicle it is then taken to our crusher where it is reduced into bale form on site.

Certificate of Destruction :

When we accept your ELV for treatment at our facility, we will issue a Destruction Certificate to you in respect of same. We also send a copy of the Certificate to the Motor Vehicle Registration Office so that their records reflect that your vehicle has been disposed of as an ELV at our Authorised Treatment Facility in accordance with law.

If you require further details on our scrapage and recycling services please contact or department directly