Heavy Vehicle Recovery
- Articulated Vehicles
- Trucks
- Buses
In the unfortunate event of your HGV been involved in a collision or has a breakdown down, we may be contacted directly by you the owner or the Gardai. We will safely remove your vehicle and store it if necessary pending examination by your Insurance Assessor.
In the event of a crash or rollover involving a HGV, we have an emergency response unit that is equipped with heavy lifting equipment i.e. 4 X 8 tonne Air Bags which are operated by generators. We will recover any type of HGV from any situation/position irrespective of its load or condition.
One of our Heavy Recovery trucks is equipped with a 30-tonne rotary crane and other specialist equipment which is used in rollovers and recoveries in off-road situations. The main object of this specialist service is to minimise any further damage to the vehicle or its accompanying load.
If you require further details on our heavy removal services please contact our department directly here.